Wednesday 3 June 2015

Traditional House East Java Joglo

East Java traditional house Joglo same basic philosophy and architecture with traditional house in Central Java Joglo. Joglo traditional house in East Java still we can find a lot in the area Ponorogo.
The influence of Islamic religion mingled with animism, Hinduism and Buddhism are still deeply entrenched and was very influential in a subtle architecture with sikretismenya philosophy.Joglo houses are generally made of teakwood. Joglo designation refers to the shape of the roof, take the stylized shape of a mountain. Stylized shape of a mountain aims to capture the philosophy contained in it and named roof Tajug, but for residential home or as a place to stay, the roof consists of two tajug called Joglo roof / Juglo / Tajug Loro.In the life of a typical Javanese mountain is something high and sacred because many poured into various symbols, especially for symbols associated with things that smell magical or mystical. This is because of the strong influence of the belief that a high mountain or a place is considered sacred place and abode of the Gods.Due to the strong influence of the belief that a high mountain or a place that is called the sacred or the abode of the Gods.The influence of animism, Hinduism and Buddhism is still very strong influence the shape and layout of the Joglo house.As well Hindu and Buddhist animism is still very strong influence on the shape and layout of the house JogloIn a traditional house Joglo, generally before entering the aircraft we will pass through a door that has a bight or makara ornate tendrils. This decoration is intended to reject custody, refused intent - malice from the outside it is still influenced by animism.
The middle of the room is a sacred room. In this room the owner of the house usually provide tisur or katil equipped with bolster pillows, mirrors and combs of horns. Generally also equipped with lights day and night which serves as a lamp, as well as the carvings that have meaning as a spiritual education, it is still under the influence of Hinduism and Buddhism.For Joglo house located on the north coast as Tuban, Gresik and Lamongan above elements be deleted because of the influence of Islam entered. Through akultrasi Javanese culture harmony, the spread of Islam mingle in harmony with the culture and customs of animism, Hinduism and Buddhism. Islam began to spread to various areas in East Java, such as in Madiun, Ngawi, Magetan, Ponorogo, Pacitan, Kediri, Tulungagung, Blitar, Terri, and partly Bojonegoro, while cities in the western part of East Java has similarities traditional house in Central Java , especially Surakarta and Yogyakarta is referred to as the town center of Javanese civilization.Joglo Javanese belief also implies that the Java community by syncretism. The harmonious relationship between man and his neighbor ("kawulo" and "gusti"), as well as the relationship between humans and the natural environment around it ("Microcosmos" and "macrocosmos"), reflected in the layout of buildings that make up joglo. Be it on the foundation, the number of pillars (main mast), bebatur (land leveled and higher than the surrounding soil), and various ornaments constituent joglo.

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