Wednesday 3 June 2015

Types Joglo and Spread on the Island of Java

Types Joglo that are known in society is :

  1. Joglo Limasan Lawakan (atau “Joglo Lawakan”).
  2. Joglo Sinom
  3. Joglo Jompongan
  4. Joglo Pangrawit
  5. Joglo Mangkurat
  6. Joglo Hageng
  7. Joglo Semar Tinandhu
  8. Joglo Kudus 
  9. Joglo Jepara
While the spread is in Java, and also because of the proximity of the building culture is also found on the island of Madura and Bali.

The study of the art of building the Java community commonly called Science Kalang Wong also called Kalang.
Based on a long history of Java, Java parents' home form can be categorized into five types, this traditional architecture are:
* form Panggangpe = buildings with roofs only one side.
* form Kampung = buildings with roofs 2 sides, a ridge in the middle of the course.
* form Limasan = buildings with a roof 4 sides, a ridge in the middle.
* Joglo form or Tikelan = buildings with Soko Guru and roof 4 sides, a ridge in the middle.
* Tajug = Soko Guru roof of the building with four sides, without a ridge, so tapered.
Compared to other forms, joglo more familiar to the public at large. From 5 different categories serve to distinguish the shape, size and function of the building.

So it is not possible the Java build their home Tajug form, because the form Tajug only be used for buildings such as building mosques purified, tahtah King or Tomb person is purified.

For the application of traditional Javanese house building form the complete middle can be seen from:
- The gate used to use a form of village
- Place of residence or so-called marquee using the form joglo
- Pringgitan pyramid-shaped.

In the coastal regions of slightly modified form of the house with the use of legs or homes that do not stick to the ground under the alias has, is intended as a precaution if the tide or flood.

Picture of soko guru

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